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How easy is it to help your planet?

It's easy to be overwhelmed when it comes to helping the planet, the issues facing our environment are many, with climate change, ocean plastics and destruction of habitat being just the start. Don't despair though because there are many individuals and organisations doing great things already and there are many simple things we can do to help. So remain positive, take action when you can, and inspire others to do the same.

We've put together a list of 8 easy things you can do to make a difference and feel positive that you're doing something to help.

You can't solve all the planet's problems alone so pick a cause that really means something to you, that way you're more likely to stick at it and really work hard to make a difference. Whether it's Polar Bears or Penguins, Rainforests or Ocean Plastics it really doesn't matter - fight for what you believe. Here at kuggl we chose trees for several reasons the most important being the absorption of CO2 helping the fight against climate change but also for their vital function as habitat for our wildlife. What's your cause? Let us know in the comments or tag us on Twitter or Facebook.

Fast fashion is about producing huge volumes of relatively cheap clothing which is often worn only a few times due to it's lower quality and because it's inexpensive to replace. It's impact on the environment comes through use of fossil fuels and heavy water usage at the manufacturing stage and much of our clothing will end up in landfill at the end of it's life. It's better to spend more money and purchase quality items that you can wear for many years and this will ultimately cost less in the long term. Better still, by switching to higher quality more sustainable clothing, you send a signal to manufacturers to move production to these more sustainable items.

Taking flights not only produces CO2 but also a mix of sulphur, soot, water vapour and oxides of nitrogen that have an amplifying affect to the warming caused by CO2 alone. We're not here to 'flight shame' anyone - go ahead and enjoy your holiday, travel is good for the soul - but why not mix it up with a 'staycation' exploring the many beautiful places the UK has to offer. You should also look at offsetting the emissions of any flight you take to reduce the impact.

Aside from the fact that trees are beautiful to look at, there are many other benefits they provide. As we said in number one trees remove CO2 and therefore help in the fight against climate change. Other great benefits of tree planting include decreasing the likelihood of flooding, preventing soil erosion and they can even help to reduce the temperature of our towns and cities by providing shade and releasing water.

With the current cost of living crisis and high price of energy it's fair to say that we're already more energy aware than ever before. Reducing energy use not only saves us money but helps the planet by reducing the CO2 produced by burning fossil fuels to create the energy we use. Simple things such as turning off unneeded lights and turning down your heating by a couple of degrees won't save the planet alone but it will help you reduce your energy bills and your carbon footprint.

Meat is believed to account for up to 60% of the global emissions caused by food production so reducing the amount you consume can have a really positive impact on the planet. Buying higher quality organic meat from local farms, in smaller amounts, has the double benefit of reducing your consumption and reducing the emissions from transport. Buy locally grown organic fruit and vegetables from a local farmers market and the benefits are multiplied. You could also try a #MeatFreeMonday and see how it goes.

It may be convenient to buy bottled water, pick up plastic bags at the checkout and grab a paper cup (with a plastic lid!) but they have to go somewhere when we've used them. Much of it ends up in landfill, where it can break down into tiny toxic particles that contaminate our soil and waterways and eventually end up in the food chain. Investing in a reusable bottle and cup and long life bags not only helps the environment but will save you money too.

We're the only ones who can do anything about our failing planet, if we leave it for the next generation it will be too late. Speak up for future generations, spread the word to friends, family and colleagues about the things they can do to help. Write to your MP and demand they make sustainable policy choices - if enough of us speak to the right people then they'll hear our voices and make the right decisions.

We're working on making kuggl one more easy thing you can do to help the planet. Please join us for updates and to help the planet one purchase at a time.

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